What children learn in computing lessons
We deliver a high-quality education in computing which provides access to an ever changing and expanding digital world. We want children develop confidence and competence in computing and enhance their knowledge, skills and understanding through different types of media. They learn to the skills and understanding required to communicate within the digital world in a safe and appropriate way.
Our approach to teaching computing
We follow a broad and balanced computing curriculum that is progressive, builds on previous learning and provides both support and challenge. Our curriculum provides hands-on experiences and empowers the children to acquire, use and apply disciplinary knowledge. There is a strong focus on recurring computing concepts and vocabulary to help children to retain and build on skills and knowledge, make links between past learning, and make sense of future learning.
Children’s achievements in computing
Children demonstrate their computing knowledge, thinking and skills across a range of topics. Children hone their computing skills to such an extent that they can make use of information technology effectively in their everyday lives and, if they wish, go on to have careers within the digital world. They will understand and appreciate the value of computing in a world-wide context and apply their skills in an ever-changing world.